I Overview
Date: Thursday, 31 October 2024
Time: 16:30 - 18:00
Format: In-person
Language: Korean
Venue: Hearing Room 5, KCAB
I Event Description
With the accumulation of international arbitration awards among the parties to international transactions, there is a growing need to understand the requirements for recognition and enforcement of arbitration awards in each country, or the cases where the award may be set aside.
In particular, we will review the status of the enforcement of arbitral awards in countries where Korean companies frequently trade, and discuss future considerations for Korean companies to adopt arbitration agreements in international transactions based on recent cases of recognition or cancellation of international arbitral awards.
I Program
Introduction of basic principles for the enforcement and setting aside of arbitral awards
Panel discussion regarding recent cases and experiences in various jurisdiction
I Speakers
Welcome Remark:
Dang Huh (Chair of Arbitration Committee, In-House Counsel Forum)
Kyongwha Chung (Of Counsel, Covington & Burling LLP)
Scott Sung Hwan Kim (Chair of Labor & Employment Committee, In-House Counsel Forum)
Dana Kim (Global Co-Chair of Korea Group, Herbert Smith Freehills
Hye Sung Kim (Attorney, Kim & Chang)
Closing Remark:
Sae Youn Kim (President, Korean Council of International Arbitration)
I Contact Point
Name: Hye Sung Kim / Email: hyesung.kim@kimchang.com