I Overview
Date: Tuesday, October 29, 2024
Time: 10:30 - 12:00
Format: In-person
Language: English
Venue: 25th Floor, BAE, KIM & LEE LLC
I Event Description
During this seminar, BKL attorneys will share their ample experience in enforcing arbitral awards in Korea. As arbitration continues to be a preferred method for resolving disputes in both domestic and international contexts, understanding the nuances of enforcing these awards is critical for legal practitioners, corporate counsel, and other stakeholders. The seminar will aim to illuminate the complexities and unique features concerning the legal frameworks that govern the enforcement of arbitration awards in Korea.
Participants will gain valuable insights into the mechanisms available for enforcing awards, as well as the challenges and best practices associated with these processes. The topics for discussion include the following:
Korean Arbitration Act: A detailed overview of the legal provisions that underpin arbitration in Korea, including their implications for enforcement.
Domestic vs. International Enforcement: A comparative analysis of enforcement procedures for domestic and international arbitration awards, highlighting key differences and considerations.
Judicial Practice: Discussion of recent case law and judicial interpretations that have shaped the enforcement landscape in Korea, including landmark decisions and emerging trends.
Practical Strategies: Best practices for navigating the enforcement process, including sharing case studies.
Panel Discussion: Engage with a panel of distinguished experts in arbitration law who will share their experiences, insights, and predictions for the future of arbitration enforcement in Korea.
Following the above sessions, attendees will have an opportunity to network with other participants to foster connections that could lead to collaborative opportunities in the future.
We look forward to welcoming you to this essential seminar, where you will leave with practical insights and a better understanding of enforcement proceedings in Korea regarding arbitration awards.
I Program
10:30 - 10:40: Registration
10:40 - 11:25: Seminar
11:25 - 11:35: Q&A
11:35 - 12:00: Networking
I Speakers
Changhyun Lee / BAE, KIM & LEE LLC / Partner
Sangchul Kim / BAE, KIM & LEE LLC / Partner
Bochan Kim / BAE, KIM & LEE LLC / Senior Foreign Attorney
Introduction by Woojae Kim / BAE, KIM & LEE LLC / Partner
I Contact Point
Name: Woojae Kim, / Email: woojae.kim@bkl.co.kr
Name: Hangil Lee / Email: hangil.lee@bkl.co.kr
Name: Bochan Kim / Email: bochan.kim@bkl.co.kr