I Overview
Date: Tuesday, October 29, 2024
Time: 11 am - 12 pm (Lunch will be served at Covington’s Seoul office)
Format: Hybrid (Virtual and in-person watch party at Covington’s Seoul office)
Language: English
Venue: Covington & Burling LLP’s Seoul office (Address: 22nd floor, Meritz Tower, 382 Gangnam-daero, Gangnam-gu, Seoul 06232, Korea )
I Event Description
Many companies involved in construction projects face various types of challenges in different jurisdictions. This panel, consisting of construction arbitration experts from various jurisdictions, will discuss changing landscapes and offer perspectives from jurisdictions covering Asia, Middle East, Africa, Latin America and North America.
I Program
Panel discussion
I Speakers
Moderator / Speaker: Kyongwha Chung, Of Counsel, Seoul office
Nicole Duclos, Partner, New York office
Erin Thomas, Partner, New York office
Joseph Chedrawe, Partner, Dubai office
William Lowery, Of Counsel, Washington D.C. office
I Contact Point
Name: Kyongwha Chung / Email: kchung@cov.com