I Overview
Date: Tuesday, 29 October 2024
Time: 15:00 - 17:00
Format: In-person
Language: English
Venue: Peter & Kim, Trade Tower 38th Floor (#3805), 511 Yeongdong-daero, Gangnam-gu, Seoul 06164
I Event Description
Since 15 March 2024, the German Arbitration Institute (DIS) offers supplementary rules that allow for the filing of third-party notices in an arbitration. These new rules can help parties prevent being sandwiched in arbitration. We will discuss in what situations being sandwiched is a real risk and what in your experiences are ways to handle such situations. Can arbitration institutions remedy this perceived disadvantage of arbitration against litigation? Are the new DIS Supplementary Rules a model suitable for Asia?
I Program
3.00 pm Welcome & Sandwiches
3.15 pm The DIS – The German Arbitration Institute
3.25 pm The new DIS Supplementary Rules for Third Party Notices - A Short Introduction
3.45 pm How Best to Prevent Sandwiching in Arbitration and How Can the DIS Supplementary Rules Help? – A Moderated Discussion with Views from Korea and Beyond
4.45 pm Takeaway
I Speakers
Helena Chen, ADR Chen & Chang, Taipei
Mariel Dimsey, CMS, Hong Kong
Mino Han, DIS Council Member, Seoul
Joongi Kim, Yonsei University, Seoul
Sue Hyun Lim, Kim & Chang, Seoul
Lars Markert, DIS Advisory Board and DIS Council Member, Tokyo
Le Net, LNT & Partners, Singapore
Jan K. Schaefer, DIS Board Member, Frankfurt
Chun-Kyung Paulus Suh, German Arbitration Institute (DIS), Berlin/Bonn
I Contact Point
Name: Jan K. Schaefer, DIS Board Member / Email: jschaefer@kslaw.com