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ADR Special Session on ISDS Reform
Ministry of Justice, Republic of Korea & UNCITRAL RCAP

I Event Description

The Ministry of Justice, Republic of Korea (KMOJ) and the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law Regional Centre for Asia and the Pacific (UNCITRAL RCAP) cordially invite interested practitioners, government officials and non-governmental stakeholders to the 2023 ADR Special Session on ISDS Reform to be held on Thursday 2 November 2023 from 9:30 to 17:45 (KST) at 51F Trade Tower, Seoul, Republic of Korea. 


This event will address four major topics on ISDS reform, respectively on (i) the use of mediation to resolve international investment disputes, (ii) the Codes of Conduct for arbitrators and judges in international investment dispute resolution, (iii) the possible establishment of an Advisory Centre on International Investment Law, and (iv) Dispute Prevention and Mitigation.


Each session will begin with a brief informative presentation by the KMOJ officials and UNCITRAL Secretariat and will invite renowned arbitrators, practitioners and government officials to share views on how the reform options would improve international investment dispute resolution.


We welcome interested practitioners and non-governmental stakeholders to participate in the discussion and learn more about ISDS reform works.


The event will be aired via the Zoom Webinar platform and provide simultaneous interpretation in Korean and English.

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I Program


I Speakers

[Opening Ceremony 09:30-10:00]

Welcome Remarks

- Sang-Yeop Koo, Deputy Minister of Legal Affairs/Chief Prosecutor, Ministry of Justice, Republic of Korea

- Anna Joubin-Bret, Secretary, UNCITRAL

Congratulatory Remarks

- Prof. Hi-Taek Shin, Arbitrator, Twenty Essex

- Meg Kinnear, Secretary-General, ICSID


[Session 1 Investment Mediation 10:00-11:15]

Moderator: Prof. Jaemin Lee, Seoul National University School of Law


- Jae Sung Lee, Senior Legal Officer, UNCITRAL

- George Lim SC, Chairman, SIMC

- Donna Huang, Director, Arbitration and ADR, North Asia, ICC Dispute Resolution Services

- Jinyoung Seok, Legal Counsel, PCA

- Sae Youn Kim, Attorney, Kim & Chang

Mike McClure KCPartner, Herbert Smith Freehills 


[Session 2 The Codes of Conduct 11:30-12:45]

Moderator: Prof. Hi-Taek Shin, Arbitrator, Twenty Essex


- Anna Joubin-Bret, Secretary, UNCITRAL

- Meg Kinnear, Secretary-General, ICSID

- Christopher Lau SC, Arbitrator, 3 Verulam Buildings

- Eric Ng, Deputy Secretary General, HKIAC

- Yun Jae Baek, Partner, Yulchon LLC

- Prof. Joongi Kim, Yonsei University School of Law    


[Session 3 Advisory Centre on International Investment Law 14:30-15:45]

Moderator: Prof. Seung Wha Chang, Seoul National University School of Law


- Young Shin Um, Senior Deputy Director, Ministry of Justice, Republic of Korea

- Yudai Ueno, Director, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Japan

- Ernesto Simanungkalit, Deputy Director, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Indonesia

- Adeel Mumtaz Khokhar, Director, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Pakistan

- Sun Thathong, Counsellor, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Thailand


[Session 4 Dispute Prevention and Mitigation 16:00-17:30]

Moderator: Shane Spelliscy, Chairperson, Working Group III, UNCITRAL


- Donghwan Shin, Director/Senior Prosecutor, Ministry of Justice, Republic of Korea

- Zhang Shuang, Official, Ministry of Commerce, China

- Siddharth Malik, Director, Ministry of External Affairs, India

- Natalie Morris-Sharma, Director, Attorney-General‘s Chambers, Singapore

- Lại Thị Vân Anh, Deputy Director General, Ministry of Justice, Vietnam

- Priyanka Kher, Private Sector Specialist, The World Bank


[Closing Ceremony 17:30-17:45]

- Athita Komindr, Head, UNCITRAL RCAP

- A Ra Jo, Director/Senior Prosecutor, Ministry of Justice, Republic of Korea

- Shane Spelliscy, Chairperson, UNCITRAL Working Group III

I Registration

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