RCAP@10 Conference (Hybrid)
"The Road Ahead: Regional Trade, Global Standards,
and the Future of Legal Harmonization"
I Event Description
To commemorate the 10th anniversary of its establishment, the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law Regional Centre for Asia and the Pacific (UNCITRAL RCAP) is organizing a celebratory conference themed "The Road Ahead: Regional trade, global standards, and the future of legal harmonization" on 11 November 2022. The event is co-hosted with the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Korea and Incheon Metropolitan City, and supported by Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre (HKIAC) and Korean Commercial Arbitration Board INTERNATIONAL (KCAB INTERNATIONAL).
The full-day event brings together representatives from the law, business, and public sectors. In addition to the RCAP@10 tribute session and special roundtable on easing barriers to trade, the event comprises four panels to discuss RCAP’s achievements in promoting regional partnerships enhancing legal harmonization, with special attention on innovative ways to further facilitate cross-border commercial transactions in the Asia-Pacific.
Free virtual registration is available at the link below. Please see the e-flyer for more details.