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CMS Seminar
"Emergency arbitration-no longer a novelty but is it effective?"

I Event Description

Emergency arbitrator procedures are now common across the arbitral rules of major arbitral institutions, and provide avenue for parties seeking urgent relief prior to the constitution of the arbitral tribunal. However, the enforcement of emergency awards against a recalcitrant party may not be as swift or straightforward depending on legislative convergence or divergence at the arbitral seat and the place of enforcement. This diverse panel discusses the considerations that underpin the making of  and the efficient enforcement of emergency awards in international arbitration in various popular seats and jurisdictions, and what the future holds for this form of relief.

I Speakers

  1. Chun-Kyung Paulus Suh - Head of Case Management – DIS – German Arbitration Institute

  2. Donna Huang - Director, Arbitration and ADR, North Asia, ICC Dispute Resolution Services

  3. Eric Ng - Deputy Secretary General at HKIAC

  4. Professor Joongi Kim - Professor of Law at Yonsei University Seoul, President, Korean Council for International Arbitration

  5. Benjamin Lissner – Partner, CMS Germany

  6. Lynette Chew – Partner, CMS Singapore

I Program

  • Date: 31 October 2023, Tuesday

  • Time: 10:00 - 12:00 (KST)

  • Venue: Hearing Room 1, 18F Trade Tower

  • Host:

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